To help us introduce these little-known small business CRM details to our users, we’re turning over the blog to one of our Product Specialists, Justine. He’ll be answering this month’s best questions from WORK[etc] customers, revealing some of the tiny treasures and tricks that even some of our long-time users may not know exist.
Get ready to boost your productivity with these knowledge bombs.
Q: Can we sort reports by name or other attributes? For example, I’ve created a report that lists all of our recent projects. Can I sort that report according to budget? What about according to a specific custom field?
Yes, you can. Report column headers are filterable by numeric and text values, with the exception of the description field and the webform number on webform results. Custom fields, unfortunately, can’t be used to sort results.
An easy way to know which headers can be used to sort results is to look for the small up and down arrows to the right of the header name. Clicking those arrows will sort the results in descending or ascending order.
Another tip: see those three dots to the left of a column name? Click and drag on those and you can quickly rearrange your report’s columns.

Justine Tukushima,
WORK[etc] Product Specialist
Q: We use Google Contacts across our business and have integrated it with WORK[etc]. Sometimes, however, we find that our team members have created duplicate contacts. How can we better manage these duplicates?
Our conflict resolution tool is the quickest way to handle duplicate contacts that came from a Google Contacts sync. You can access it through Contacts > Conflict Resolution.

In the screenshot below, for example, there’s an address field conflict with the Roger Sinclair contact. The conflict resolution tool lets you choose and quickly apply the information you want to use to resolve the conflicts, be it the current data inside WORK[etc] or new data from your Google Contacts.

Justine Tukushima,
WORK[etc] Product Specialist
Q: How can I print multiple invoices from WORK[etc]? I need to print a dozen separate invoices in any given month, but opening each of them separately and then printing them takes too much time for me. Is there an easier way?
WORK[etc] doesn’t support mass invoice printing yet, but there is a way to print a lot of invoices quickly. Here’s how you do it:
Go to Finances > Issued Invoices, click the edit dropdown at the left side (the one with the pencil icon), hold CTRL and click on “Print Invoices” to open the invoice in a new window, and then print from there.
This little trick keeps you from having to open each invoice individually to print them or save them as PDF. You can do this to subsequent invoices you would also like to print.

Justine Tukushima,
WORK[etc] Product Specialist
Q: What actions create alerts on the dashboard? How can I better manage my alerts?
You’ll see an alert on your WORK[etc] dashboard (the floating window on the lower right hand corner of the screen) whenever you’re included in a discussion.
The alert panel will show a maximum of three alerts; you can scroll through all of your alerts by clicking the big left and right arrows at the edges of the alert panel.

Justine Tukushima,
WORK[etc] Product Specialist
New to WORK[etc]? Book a one-on-one demo now. If you’re an existing customer who wants to get more out of your WORK[etc] subscription, sign up for our no-cost QuickStart consulting package. You can also find more tips and tricks in our WORK[etc] Academy experience on Insiders.
There is a real opportunity to leverage off of the Contacts Tool….Xero had a huge dust up over the past couple of days with Contact Sync and we saw an opportunity to explain why CRN become critically important for a smaller Company to utilize Work[etc] to gain a proper hierarchy amongst CRM Contacts at the Profile Master being fed to Google Contacts and Xero Being Read Only to Update Contacts. But, back to the article…the tips are quite helpful