Smart Practical Business Advice

17Feb '11

Picking up Momentum: Major release, We’re Hiring, New Offers, New Training

As we pick up momentum with our development schedule, the public release of the new calendar, timesheet, project management and help desk components is almost upon us. So if you haven’t done so already, I definitely recommend switching the beta view for your account to “on” and having a look around.  You can easily switch […]

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 17-02-2011

29Jan '11

Email Update: improved deliverability, tracking & more

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 29-01-2011

Late last week we successfully rolled out a fundamental change to the e-mail system that powers WORK[etc].  This is big news as it allows us to not only improve end-recipient deliverability, but also include a bunch of cool tracking features. For example you can now see if an invoice was received by a client and […]

23Jan '11

New Pricing Announced… and explained in detail

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 23-01-2011

I’ve made a number of references in this blog, on the community forums and privately to many about a planned price increase for WORK[etc].  Universally it has been met with encouragement which surprises; I’d been bracing for a whole lot of resistance, but that just isn’t coming through. To be absolutely clear, this will not […]

11Jan '11

The WORKetc Liquid Road Map

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 11-01-2011

Late last year I tentatively started announcing roadmaps for WORK[etc].  I say tentatively for a few reasons: We keep a mostly fluid development plan as WORK[etc] is wide and deep; a full range of business management tools each covering wide spectrum of functionality.  When we update one tool, it will inevitably impact on other areas.  […]

2Dec '10

Time Tracking Beta, Product Import Beta, Revised Roadmap…

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 02-12-2010

Over the next few days Simon will be making available the new time tracking beta (I’ll update this post and Twitter when we set it live). Also attached to this release is an update to the look and feel of the calendar.  Cleaner design, bolder colors and no more wishy-washy pastels! The big change to […]

15Nov '10

Sneak Preview, Brief Roadmap and more…

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 15-11-2010

What we’re working on…. right now. Moving straight along with our development schedule is the new Calendar and Timesheet tools. Here’s a sneak preview of how the new Calendar design is looking: And a Balsamiq Mockup of the new Timesheet “line entry” option: And this is the new bulk entry, which we are now calling […]

4Nov '10

Updated: Project Management Beta – NOW AVAILABLE

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 04-11-2010

Updated – Sun 7 Nov 2010: All accounts can now turn on the project management beta by selecting the option from the side bar: Please use this forum to discuss the new beta…. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

14Sep '10

New Projects… bigger than we thought.

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 14-09-2010

I know a lot of people are hanging out to test the new project tool and we are getting closer. The reality is that it is a far greater project (!) than we thought. Projects are a massive part of WORK[etc] and as such provide core information through to contacts, billing, timesheets, reports and just […]

9Aug '10

New Feature: Enable logins for all customers.

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 09-08-2010

Last week had to solve a long standing UX problem in WORK[etc] regarding access for your customers, to your customer portal. If you’ve enabled customer access for your WORK[etc] account then you already know that each account needs to be configured manually, which is pretty lame from a usability perspective.  And having to keep saying […]

19Jul '10

Projects Update… Getting Closer…

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 19-07-2010

We’ve made some big leaps with the new project module. Conceptually, the biggest change is the ability to work with a project, inside of a timeline view. So, with the old project management and indeed every PM tools I’ve played around with, there are basically two types of views: An agenda view which lists all […]

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7 Clever Add-Ons That Supercharge Google Drive Productivity

Do more with WORKetc CRM’s Google Drive integration and these clever add-ons. We rolled out a significant new feature to WORKetc CRM’s Google Drive integration a while back, giving users access to Team Drives from within the WORKetc CRM environment. In the spirit of that update, here’s a curated list of seven add-ons for Google […]

4 Key Steps to Turn Your Sales Team into a Deal-Closing Juggernaut

Using WORKetc CRM for a more efficient, productive sales team. Selling is simple. You get a sales lead, you offer goods and services, the customer picks one and pays you. But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. The idea itself may be simple, but the actual execution is a difficult task requiring a […]

3 Must-Know Strategies Your Business Needs For Successful Projects

Stop wasting money with these 3 must-know project management tips. Ever lost money on a project, even one that you managed to complete? Well, you’re not alone. In their 2018 Pulse of the Profession report, PMI estimates that 9.9% of every dollar is wasted due to poor project performance. For every $1 billion invested, that’s […]

WORKetc CRM Success: Celebrating Your Big Wins in 2018

A brand-spanking new Gmail add-on, an overhauled iPhone app, and much faster search capabilities—these are just a few of the massive changes we introduced to WORKetc in 2018. None of these improvements, however, would be at all possible if not for the continued support and dedication of our loyal WORKetc users. And since there’s no […]

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WORKetc CRM tips and tricks, tried and tested by real users. A CRM is an investment. And as with every investment, you’ll want to squeeze a much juice as you can out of it. Here’s a new batch of tips on how to do just that, from real WORKetc users running their small businesses on […]

3 Critical Resolutions for Small Business Success in 2019

Keep the fireworks going all throughout 2019 with WORKetc CRM. If you’re anything like me, New Year’s resolutions are never just about your personal life. It’s also about probing deep and seeing what you can do for your business. It’s about identifying changes that have real, tangible, and measurable impacts. Here are a few ideas […]