Smart Practical Business Advice

25Mar '10

Public Beta: Email Drop Box

Earlier in the week we opened up the email drop box concept for public beta. What this means is that you can now interact with your WORK[etc] account, simply by sending an email. For example, if you are out and about and think of an important task, simply fire up your smartphone and send WORK[etc] […]

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 25-03-2010

15Mar '10

Timesheet Widget – Beta Now Available

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 15-03-2010

UPDATE: The Timer Widget (beta) is now available. Just go to http://<youraccount> to install the app. Please post any feedback over on this forum. We’re maybe 2 or 3 days away from making the WORK[etc] timesheet widget available for public beta. The widget is built in Silverlight and should work flawlessly on both Apple and […]

5Jan '10

New Year, New Servers, Network

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 05-01-2010

Starting this Thursday (January 7) we’ll be progressively migrating all accounts to new and improved hardware and a faster network. Its not that we’ve had any issues with the current setup, its that we’re planning for 2010 and beyond. For those that are interested, we’re moving to higher spec’d dedicated servers at Peer1, who run […]

7Oct '09

WORKetc in Spanish & iPhone Calendar Sync

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 07-10-2009

We’re lucky enough to have some fantastic (“legends” in Australia-speak) WORK[etc] customers who have given up some of their time to help us build out some features of WORK[etc]. iPhone Calendar Sync. Firstly, John from Solany Document Management in Colorado, USA, has successfully sync’d WORK[etc] calendars to iPhone v.3.0 software and provided us with a […]

6Sep '09

Quick Update – We’ve been busy in the background…

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 06-09-2009

It just dawned on me that whilst we’ve been so focused on working on WORK[etc], I’ve completely neglected the WORK[etc] blog! It has been 2 months since I last posted an update and to stop the reek of ghost town advancing any further, here is a brief update on what we’ve been up to: Support […]

2Jul '09

5 Critical Business Insights That Save Your Business

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 02-07-2009

A lot of CRM information gets shuttled around your business on a daily basis. New project information, timesheets, invoices, contracts . . . with all of the information, you would think you’d know what the smart steps are to take next to solidify your company’s position. The problem is, none of this information is organized […]

5Jun '09

7 More Hidden WORKetc Tools

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 05-06-2009

We just told you about six great tools you may not have been aware WORK[etc] was capable of. Surprise, surprise – we’ve got seven more, and they’re time and effort savers on par with their highly impressive predecessors. As we’ve said before, WORK[etc] is a pretty complex machine, and the more you know about what’s […]

17May '09

Revealed: 6 WORKetc Tools

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 17-05-2009

WORK[etc] is a simple and intuitive application for users, but under the hood is a massively complex engine. It does a lot of things, from web based CRM through to time sheets, billing, reporting, contacts, etc etc etc! This is what makes selling WORK[etc] a tricky proposition. It does a *lot*, but if we try […]

20Apr '09

Customer Review: Version 2.5

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 20-04-2009

We just had to share this! Below is an unsolicited review from Chris Meidell from Modevation. Chris tried out Version 2 of WORK[etc] for a few weeks and decided it wasn’t quite ready for his business to use full time. Version 2.5 changed everything: Hi Daniel,I wanted to let you know that we have decided […]

16Apr '09

WORKetc 2.5 is Live

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 16-04-2009

I’m pretty chuffed, relieved yet exhausted, to announce that we went live with WORK[etc] 2.5 last week. Chuffed because it represents a pretty major update to the usability of the application as a whole. Relieved because our current users are loving it and exhausted because it was a lot of work (but definitely worth it). […]

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WORKetc CRM Success: Celebrating Your Big Wins in 2018

A brand-spanking new Gmail add-on, an overhauled iPhone app, and much faster search capabilities—these are just a few of the massive changes we introduced to WORKetc in 2018. None of these improvements, however, would be at all possible if not for the continued support and dedication of our loyal WORKetc users. And since there’s no […]

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3 Critical Resolutions for Small Business Success in 2019

Keep the fireworks going all throughout 2019 with WORKetc CRM. If you’re anything like me, New Year’s resolutions are never just about your personal life. It’s also about probing deep and seeing what you can do for your business. It’s about identifying changes that have real, tangible, and measurable impacts. Here are a few ideas […]