Smart Practical Business Advice

4Nov '14

Top 15 Reddit Business Posts You Can’t Ignore Pt. 1

Want to ask the President of the United States a question? Ever wondered what it’s like to get mauled by a bear, or what Snoop Dogg has for breakfast on Tuesdays? You can find out on a Reddit AMA.

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 04-11-2014 | 18 comments

1Oct '14

Three Gmail CRM Tools To Boost Productivity

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 01-10-2014 | 24 comments

A torrent of emails constantly pours into your Gmail inbox. You check your inbox every time your phone beeps, you slog through newsletters and Facebook notifications just to get to the important ones — it can be overwhelming. Take back control over your inbox with these three productivity extensions for Gmail.

3Sep '14

Want To Be More Than A Startup? Then Hack Every Stage Of The Customer Lifecycle

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 03-09-2014 | 20 comments

Business owners that dream of making it big time often jump on growth hacks to get that extra push they need. Once all that growth hacking pays off, though, it's time for the real thing: hacking the entire customer life cycle.

20Aug '14

Big Time Screw Up? Follow the Three A’s to Make Things Right

By Stacy Kildal | 20-08-2014 | 27 comments

Everybody makes mistakes, but when it comes to working with clients that mistake can hit your future cash flow hard. Follow QuickBooks queen Stacy Kildal's three A's to turn the situation around.

14Aug '14

How this company put an end to email ping-pong

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 14-08-2014 | 27 comments

English Garden Group started out as a family-run nursery but, over time, has expanded – first into landscape construction and then into landscape architecture and garden design. When their old CRM became less and less able to handle complex interaction between the different parts of the business, they turned to WORK[etc] to consolidate them all under a single cloud-based system.

10Jul '14

12 months & 20 business plans later: How this simple activity separates the strong from the weak

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 10-07-2014 | 30 comments

What we learnt about small business from spending 12 months writing 20 business plans.  The key to keeping your business, in business, could be as simple as tracking three or four key numbers every single day.

23Jun '14

22 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed in a CRM (Until It Was Too Late!)

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 23-06-2014 | 26 comments

Bringing a checklist when you shop around for a CRM is a good idea, but not when the checklist is too short and vague. The devil, as they say, is in the detail. To help out, we've compiled a list of important features that you should look for in a CRM system.

4Jun '14

Can you automate 12 months of events in your CRM? This firm can.

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 04-06-2014 | 21 comments

This corporate training company used to struggle with coordinating data through their old CRM. Mapping out their events calendar was hard and, at times, impossible. When they switched to WORK[etc], they were able to automate an entire year's worth of events in just one month.

19May '14

Getting it Right: Quick Tips On Getting A Small Business Off To A Good Start

By Stacy Kildal | 19-05-2014 | 22 comments

Stacy Kildal walks us through some of the common stumbling blocks that can trip up small businesses and what we can do to overcome them.

6Dec '13

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Surviving any Holiday

By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 06-12-2013 | 18 comments

Listen to popular business advice and they'll tell you the only way to relax is to go cold turkey and disconnect from your work.  But for entrepreneurs this approach is often the cause of even more stress.  Find out how we manage to stay connected yet still come back from a vacation refreshed.

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Featured Posts

7 Clever Add-Ons That Supercharge Google Drive Productivity

Do more with WORKetc CRM’s Google Drive integration and these clever add-ons. We rolled out a significant new feature to WORKetc CRM’s Google Drive integration a while back, giving users access to Team Drives from within the WORKetc CRM environment. In the spirit of that update, here’s a curated list of seven add-ons for Google […]

4 Key Steps to Turn Your Sales Team into a Deal-Closing Juggernaut

Using WORKetc CRM for a more efficient, productive sales team. Selling is simple. You get a sales lead, you offer goods and services, the customer picks one and pays you. But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. The idea itself may be simple, but the actual execution is a difficult task requiring a […]

3 Must-Know Strategies Your Business Needs For Successful Projects

Stop wasting money with these 3 must-know project management tips. Ever lost money on a project, even one that you managed to complete? Well, you’re not alone. In their 2018 Pulse of the Profession report, PMI estimates that 9.9% of every dollar is wasted due to poor project performance. For every $1 billion invested, that’s […]

WORKetc CRM Success: Celebrating Your Big Wins in 2018

A brand-spanking new Gmail add-on, an overhauled iPhone app, and much faster search capabilities—these are just a few of the massive changes we introduced to WORKetc in 2018. None of these improvements, however, would be at all possible if not for the continued support and dedication of our loyal WORKetc users. And since there’s no […]

4 Simple Tips For Max WORKetc CRM Efficiency From Real Users

WORKetc CRM tips and tricks, tried and tested by real users. A CRM is an investment. And as with every investment, you’ll want to squeeze a much juice as you can out of it. Here’s a new batch of tips on how to do just that, from real WORKetc users running their small businesses on […]

3 Critical Resolutions for Small Business Success in 2019

Keep the fireworks going all throughout 2019 with WORKetc CRM. If you’re anything like me, New Year’s resolutions are never just about your personal life. It’s also about probing deep and seeing what you can do for your business. It’s about identifying changes that have real, tangible, and measurable impacts. Here are a few ideas […]