You can't build software to manage a business without real-life, day-to-day experience running a business. WORK[etc] CEO explains how he brings his experience running offline businesses into product development strategy.
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 10-10-2012
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 27-09-2012
Can WORK[etc] be used as a software platform for David Allen's infamous Getting Things Done? This long-time WORK[etc] user shows you his GTD method.
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 22-07-2012
Big capital investment into Solid State Drives to power it's SaaS Business Management platform has proven a smart choice by WORK[etc] as performance increases over 100x for database read and writes.
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 23-06-2012
With a team of 12 staff located across 5 countries, does it surprise you to know that WORK[etc] is actually one of the biggest users of WORK[etc]? This is more than just using our own software, this is using our software to build our business and how you can achieve the same results.
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 23-05-2012
A CRM evaluation form with 4905 questions? Who has time to answer that. Actually who even has time to ask those questions?
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 26-04-2011
I’ll be in London all next week (May 2nd ->) if any customers, potential customers, partners, developers or really anyone else wants to meet up for a flat white – now serving @ Flat White in SoHo A flat white is a coffeebeverage from Australia and New Zealand. It is prepared by pouring microfoam […]
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 03-08-2010
Today we’ve moved the new Contacts and Interface tools out of beta and into the main WORK[etc] release. I believe that most of our customers have already made the switch to using the beta link, so this shouldn’t be too much of a shock. To recap on the main Contact changes please read the original […]
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 07-07-2010
This is a bit of a deviation from my usual product updates, but bear with me … It is a subject very close to the hearts of most of our customers and indeed ourselves. Are distributed teams functional? Can you build a successful business with your key people in different parts of the world? Debate […]
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 27-04-2010
We recently started working with Bernard Lunn, a technology entrepreneur with 20yrs in the industry, to help us define and progress our marketing efforts. We got to talking aboout a new breed of entrepreneurs and small businesses that are not confined by geography (and ultimately how most WORK[etc]’ customers fit this mould) Bernard: This is […]
By Daniel Barnett - WORKetc | 12-03-2009
Slow payers (and even no-payers) are some of the worst customers a business can have. Until the client’s invoice is paid, your business needs to pay costs and expenses for the project out of pocket. Spending time chasing down those slow payers also hurts a business’s bottom line. When your business is a small one, […]
Do more with WORKetc CRM’s Google Drive integration and these clever add-ons. We rolled out a significant new feature to WORKetc CRM’s Google Drive integration a while back, giving users access to Team Drives from within the WORKetc CRM environment. In the spirit of that update, here’s a curated list of seven add-ons for Google […]
Using WORKetc CRM for a more efficient, productive sales team. Selling is simple. You get a sales lead, you offer goods and services, the customer picks one and pays you. But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. The idea itself may be simple, but the actual execution is a difficult task requiring a […]
Stop wasting money with these 3 must-know project management tips. Ever lost money on a project, even one that you managed to complete? Well, you’re not alone. In their 2018 Pulse of the Profession report, PMI estimates that 9.9% of every dollar is wasted due to poor project performance. For every $1 billion invested, that’s […]
A brand-spanking new Gmail add-on, an overhauled iPhone app, and much faster search capabilities—these are just a few of the massive changes we introduced to WORKetc in 2018. None of these improvements, however, would be at all possible if not for the continued support and dedication of our loyal WORKetc users. And since there’s no […]
WORKetc CRM tips and tricks, tried and tested by real users. A CRM is an investment. And as with every investment, you’ll want to squeeze a much juice as you can out of it. Here’s a new batch of tips on how to do just that, from real WORKetc users running their small businesses on […]
Keep the fireworks going all throughout 2019 with WORKetc CRM. If you’re anything like me, New Year’s resolutions are never just about your personal life. It’s also about probing deep and seeing what you can do for your business. It’s about identifying changes that have real, tangible, and measurable impacts. Here are a few ideas […]