The ability to quickly filter and select a specific object from an infinitely large pool of many different types of things presents a big design challenge. Today we’ve released an update to the Entry editor. Remember, an Entry is inherited by Tasks, Support Cases, Events, Timesheets, Projects, Disbursements and even Subscription purchases. This is what gives WORK[etc] fantastic scalability and provides you the option to “attach anything to anything”.
Below is a screen shot of your new Entry Selector:

As you can see, you have a number of features at your disposal to make isolating that particular parent item quick and easy.
- “Find as you type” with keywords that filter by Entry and/or Contact name or even Entry # if you know it.
- Filter by a specific Entry type.
- Sort by Type, Item Name, Customer or Entry #.
Newest stuff is always listed first by default. We hope this will be a good productivity improvement over the previous more cumbersome “Tree View” approach.