Over the last fortnight we’ve rolled out a bunch of small, but kinda cool improvements. Here’s a brief run down.
Help Glyphs
Throughout the WORK[etc] interface, you’ll start to see little question mark icons next to input fields and other parts of the interface. Click on a help icon to display help information:

Marketing Stats
The new email engine we released (read about it here) also allows us to track statistics around email marketing campaigns.
This is now live across all accounts, but remember it will only show for new campaigns.
People <-> Company Links
We have improved the link between People and the Company that they are associated with, so that now you can choose to view a company’s activity and also include the activity of all of its associated people. This may sound confusing at first, but some WORK[etc] users will only refer to a company name for any work or they may refer specifically to a person at the company. This method allows WORK[etc] users to make use of the work style they are most familiar with:
More cool stuff coming soon…