As promised, today we’re publishing Part 2 of our Reddit AMA list. In Part 1, we published a list of 7 must-read Reddit AMAs that included everything from as inside look at pitching for the popular TV show Shark Tank to a few techniques that’ll help you out-negotiate a used car salesman.
Read on for a behind-the-scenes look at the medical marijuana industry, Mad Men-referencing advertising Q&As, and the answer to the burning question: why is the Egg McMuffin available only during breakfast?
#1. IAmA Senior Manager for one of the largest marketing firms in the world: McCann Erickson
This AMA spills some behind-the-scenes beans on one of the biggest marketing firms in the world. Aside from the sneak peek behind the veil, though, it also has a few comments focused on the ingredients of a successful marketing campaign – online or otherwise.
Best Ask: What differentiates a regular campaign from an exceptional one?
#2. IamA Gary Vaynerchuk. Serial Entrepreneur, NYT Bestselling Author, former host of Wine Library TV and Die-Hard Jets Fan. AMA!
Gary Vaynerchuk explains in the intro to this AMA that prior to becoming known for the web-based online show Wine Library TV, he helped turn his family’s wine store into a $60M business. He’s also a New York Times bestselling author and has his own social media agency. As such, his AMA covers a wide range of topics, from wine to handling social media hecklers to the NY Jets defensive line.
Best Ask: How do you avoid burnout?
#3. I am James Altucher, founder of 20 companies (17 of which failed), author of 11 books, and writer. I’ve made millions, lost it all, made it back, and written about everything I’ve learned along the way. AMA
James Altucher has founded 20 companies, 17 of which crashed and burned. That might sound like an abysmal track record, but his experience and compelling writing style have turned his blog into a must-read not just for entrepreneurs but for writers and bloggers as well.
This AMA mirrors his blog — chock full of useful and sometimes controversial advice that’ll make you think, if not follow. Read it for the lowdown on Altucher’s failures, his successes, and why he thinks renting a house is better than owning one.
Best Ask: Does money get you girls?
#4. IamA CEO & Partner of one of the world’s first legal marijuana stores (license # 37) in Denver, CO AMA!
The legalization of marijuana remains a hot-button topic, and this AMA gives invaluable insight into how legal marijuana stores work. We’re not telling you to go out and open your own medical marijuana shop (feel free to go ahead, though, as long as you have the legal bases covered), but this AMA shows how legislation and state laws can affect a relatively young industry. Good reading for anyone interested in those topics.
Best Ask: What are the startup costs involved?
#5. I co-own two McDonald’s franchises in the Eastern US. AMA.
Flipping burgers at a McDonald’s doesn’t sound like a great way to make a living, but what about owning not one but two McDonald’s franchises? Now that sounds much, much better. Of course, as this AMA reveals, you have to be ready to shell out a lot of money and do a lot of work if you ever want to get into the franchising business. Here you can read everything from how much the initial investment can set you back to why they just don’t make the Egg McMuffin available all day.
Best Ask: Why is the Egg McMuffin breakfast-only?
#6. By Request: I Am an Account Director at an Advertising Agency in Chicago (and yes, I watch MadMen)
Another AMA with a lot of useful ideas and advice for anybody who wants to get into the marketing business, digital or otherwise. There’s a particularly interesting Q&A thread here about business models for small ad agencies as well as one about online advertising channels. As you’d expect from an AMA about advertising, Mad Men references abound.
#7. Mark Cuban, this is my AMA
In Part 1 of this list, we included an AMA with someone who got to pitch an idea to Shark Tank. In this AMA, a judge on Shark Tank lends some insight into what happens to pitches after the show. Of course, since this is Mark Cuban we’re talking about here, the AMA also moves all over the place — from small business tips and investment talk to his thoughts on the NBA and if rich people really do “make it rain”.
Best Ask: What does a billionaire buy his kids for Christmas?
#8. Hi! I’m Larry Kim, Founder of WordStream, AMA!
Now here’s something that anyone with an interest in SEO, social media, and content marketing will likely find fascinating. In this AMA, the WordStream founder and SEO expert dispenses some free advice on making the most out of old “fossil” content, when image ads are better than text-only ads, and why Wikipedia is a good case study for SEO beginners.
Dan, These are great articles you have found! I’m not a big Redit person, mainly because I don’t read as much as i should in my free time. Its crazy how some people make their millions. First you got the own of the two McDonald’s, I finally understand why they stop serving breakfast at 11 am. And then a little bit later we get to a article about someone that owns a marijuana store. That article to some people may make them mad, or dislike it, because the fact that as a country we still cant agree on something as a nation but only as individual states. Which can bring up a whole new blog. But in my opinion I think that the government will and does benefit greatly from taxing legalized states with marijuana. That also is a full blog topic, which i know is out there somewhere. I believe that anyone that can make their millions doing any type of business that is their passion is always a great thing to see and read about. That’s probably everyone’s goal in life. Dan thanks again for this post. Giving me things to read, that i would not read.
Another Great list! I especially enjoyed the dynamic spectrum of this list, you’ve got Marijuana to Mc Donald’s in one list! I found the MJ one very interesting. It’s fascinating to watch new markets develop and this is certainly one with plenty of opinions!
Another great list of AMAs I need to sort through. I have already read a couple of the ones you have posted above, but It’s nice to have them on hand. Thanks again for providing great reading material.
I’ve never used Reddit (I’m quite old skool in a lot of ways!) but this is a great set of articles. I find it fascinating the different solutions that folk have come up with at earning a living! It really makes me feel boring that I’m just a standard ’employee’.
I’ve always wanted to start my own business but really am a bit too much of a worrier to jump in… now my wife is on maternity leave for two years I might persuade her to do it instead!! 😉
These are interesting. My favorite is probably the rise and fall and rise again of James Altucher. All of them however do a have something that we can take away and learn from. Thanks again!
I really enjoy reading these lists of AMA’s! Please continue sharing these as I know I don’t have time to search for good one’s like you’ve posted. It was great reading about the guy from McCann to the marijuana guy. James Altucher was a good one to enjoy as well.
Another great article i enjoyed reading it immensely. I often retweet great articles this is going to be one of them.
This is so fun reading some of these really funny questions and replies. Its amazing what questions people com e up with and I love that you went and found some funny and useful ones for us. Thanks for sharing these great AMA’s! I am totally going to share it. My favorite by far was the one about Social and SEO but I am biased!
Wow you are kidding about if you want to know what the public thinks of you. Some of the comments are very up front. It’s fun to read, I almost see AMA’s like a modern day reporter. You can ask any question, but you can also ask directed questions to get information. I can certainly see how it would take some time to sift through these articles to find valuable information. But also see how valuable it can be. Good Job with the articles!
I love Reddit and read it everyday. It truly has become the front page of the internet for me. Thanks for sharing the AMA’s they have been some of my favorite reads. Through an AMA, I learned that Chris Rock’s favorite comedian right now is Jim Gaffigan which was surprising with them having completely different styles.
I am not a huge reddit fan but found this article quite interesting. Just like part 1 it was informative and showed a great cross section of information. I look forward to possibly seeing more like it in the future.
Thanks for the great compilation. I think the best part of these are the ones where the askees know what we want to hear. ‘I’ve had 17 failures’ or ‘yeah, I do watch Mad Men’. Great to know your audience.
I don’t often read these type of articles but it was somehow reassuring to know that having millions doesn’t necessarily make you happier or more successful. Its easy to think that if we had more money life would be better but often its the same problems with more zero’s!! A will to succeed is key here I think.
What a great variety of AMA guests! I found many of these interesting and surprising. Interesting perspectives to say the least. Who knew that start up costs for marijuana growing were so complex?