Cloud software for [growing] businesses

Web1 SEO optimizes its business



After starting his online marketing career in 2002, it wasn’t long before Ben Pate decided to set up his own business. In the early years it was just Ben and his office administrator Erin, but Erin soon found herself supporting a diversely spread team of up to 10 SEO and marketing experts- only 3 in the office at any one time. And the team was managing a broad portfolio of projects for clients across a number of regions. Clearly the logistical complexity of managing the operation had increased significantly, and this was having a direct impact on Web1 SEO’s ability to service their customers!

Before buying WORK[etc] two years’ ago, Web1 SEO was operating manually. Projects and contacts were managed using disparate spreadsheets and Word documents. This became unsustainable as scale increased, which started to affect Erin’s productivity. Now the business uses WORK[etc] to manage their entire operation.

Customer contacts, leads and opportunities are captured and managed centrally. Once a campaign is sold to a customer, a project is initiated for the campaign and employees are scheduled to the work. Project delivery and time is captured remotely by the employees during project delivery, and all communication with Erin and tracking takes place through the system- no more lost emails! Erin therefore has full visibility of resource availability for future jobs scheduled. And at the end of each month the system generates a tailored invoice, wrapping up the process.

Leveraging the system further, Web1 SEO is not only able to provide access to contract staff members but also offers their customers direct access to the system through WORK[etc]’s customer self-service feature. Customers have real time visibility of the progress of their campaigns, which gives them the added comfort they require to ensure that their projects are ‘on track’. Both of these options are made possible through WORK[etc]’s built-in security layer, providing user access to only the information that they need.

Ben’s core reasons for choosing WORK[etc] over another two solutions on the market have now become Erin’s favourite features. What Web1 SEO needed was a system that both employees and administrative staff would be encouraged to use easily, with very little support and training. They were pleasantly surprised at how well designed WORK[etc] was- particularly when managing tasks and projects, to the point of colour coding jobs to assist in rapid job costing.

A second key strength was the support that the WORK[etc] have provided to Web1 SEO. During the selection process Web1 had an integration concern that was important to their business. WORK[etc] rapidly resolved this issue, even prior to any purchase decision! This responsive support has continued resolutely for the past two years, providing customization in response to direct requests from the customer.

As Erin pragmatically points out, their business would not be where it was today had they not implemented WORK[etc]. The business has seen significant benefit from the system. The fact that all of the information is in one place, which may be accessed online any time of the day or night, is essential for the team. Remote online management of employees is now possible centrally, with seamless scheduling and no need for long-winded telephone conversations. This has made business administration a pleasant task and enhanced customer service. Most importantly, all of this value is available to Web1 SEO at a very cost effective price for their growing business.

Ben and Erin highly recommend WORK[etc] to anybody suffering the same growing pains that Web1 SEO felt a few years’ ago. “Why go through the pain if you don’t have to!”

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