Eliminate analyst costs and poor, time-wasting work practices.
Connect with clients and increase customer confidence.
Consolidate business processes under one web-based solution.
No business likes to waste money, but that is exactly what many are doing on a daily basis with ineffective and inefficient business practices that don’t leverage simple systems such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Many companies seek out business consultants who often recommend expensive enterprise CRM solutions that require constant hours for customization and maintenance. By choosing a simple, out-of-the-box web CRM solution you can easily cut overhead costs associated with consultants and enterprise software.
So what are other ways that CRM can save your company money?
From just simple cost savings with an easy-to-use web CRM platform, to reporting features that help you understand your customers and provide more relative marketing campaigns. With a good CRM in place, you can even serve your customers better with stronger customer service and support.
With such low costs to get started and large potential of rewards to benefit from, why not give a CRM solution a try and see how quickly it helps your business streamline its customer facing processes?
How a web based CRM can keep this financial firm from drowning in a sea of paper reports
There are a lot of advantages to going down the paperless office route. For this USA-based consulting and financial advice company, it meant getting rid of the tracking and information retrieval headaches they had to endure with mountains of paperwork. Click here to read more.
Contact chaos? How this industrial sales firm can use an online CRM to consolidate their contacts
This industrial equipment sales company from Oklahoma has a list of contacts and sales histories way longer than your arm. The problem is they’re finding it harder and harder to keep track of important information as they’re all stored in notebooks scattered around the office. Click here to read more.