Combine ideas and projects with Evernote CRM sync.

Get Ideas, Pictures, & Other Stuff into WORK[etc] On The Fly with Evernote.

We often come across ideas and information at the worst times. Usually while we’re in the middle of a project, or while researching – we’ll have one of those light bulb moments – but it’s rarely relevant to what we’re doing. At WORK[etc] we understand this frustration: trying to capture the important stuff without losing focus. That’s why we’ve partnered up with Evernote and G Suite to help our customers get their ideas, pictures, and other stuff into their WORK[etc] accounts without having to stop what they’re doing.

Evernote says it best: “Chances are, if you can see it or think of it, Evernote can help you remember it. Type a text note. Clip a web page. Snap a photo. Grab a screenshot. Evernote will keep it safe.”

Sync Evernote with WORK[etc] – and vice versa.

As if our Google CRM couldn’t do enough.
You can now manage your entire business under one app, as well as save
your ideas, screengrabs, notes, and snapshots from anywhere.

No matter what you’re doing, any image, proposal, message, you name it – you can capture with Evernote and sync with your WORK[etc] account in a matter of seconds. Use Evernote to create new activities in WORK[etc] and make changes to existing items, such as projects, toDos, sales leads, and events. Not to mention the functionality goes both ways: it’s easy to sync a WORK[etc] project with Evernote and continue to make changes to it – all from Evernote.


You’re conducting research on a sales lead and find some ground-breaking info. You create a web clip using your browser’s Evernote add-on, sync it to WORK[etc] via the WORK[etc] #tags, and have it set against the lead you’re currently working on.

Create activities and share mobile snapshots on-the-go with Evernote mobile apps.

It’s easy to sync Evernote with your WORK[etc] account from anywhere, considering Evernote is available on every major smart phone, web browser, and Mac or PC. Snap photos with your mobile, or write out quick updates and share them with your team instantaneously via Evernote – there’s no need to be in the office.

Scenario: You’ve just finished picking up business supplies for a client project. You take a picture of the receipt from your mobile and tag it within Evernote. A new expense is created in WORK[etc], image included, and then associated with the current project you’re working on for that client.

We keep it simple.

It’s easy to get people involved via Evernote or keep your notes private. Tag a note with #project to create a new project, tag an #employeename to assign a project or sales lead to one of your team members, and tag in deadline dates – all from Evernote.

See all

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