Win more sales with custom sales quotes and estimates

Everything you need for your business:

  • Manage Sales Quotes, estimates, and product lists
  • Integrated projects and billing software
  • Create and update sales inside Gmail

When online business systems don’t include everything a business needs, users are forced to add in additional, poorly integrated systems with high costs that bring inefficient workflows.

Worketc CRM Financial Budgeting for Business

WORK[etc] allows you to track your sales as well as everything past the sale in one app. Directly convert won leads into projects, quotes, or invoices. Manage support issues, projects, and task lists, and easily track time on each. Group products to invoices and create subscription products that can be managed centrally in your product catalog.

  • Manage Your Pipeline
    View leads in a visual sales pipeline with custom stages. Assign leads or work on them together
  • Sync with Google Services
    Automatically sync WORK[etc] with Google services such as Contacts, Calendars, and Google Docs
  • Mobile Sales
    Create new leads and update existing WORK[etc] activities using apps for iOS and Android
  • Email Marketing
    Create campaign lists based on location, purchase history, custom tags, and other values

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