If you are in business then chances are you already have project management software or you have investigated it for your operation. For most businesses project management is not just a basic everyday tool it is a necessity. It allows you to monitor your products or services as they move their way through the production pipeline. You can tell when the product hits the assembly line or when your professionals begin working on their reports. You know which parts have been ordered and you can track how many hours have been billed to a project.
Your project management software may also offer you the capability to create a collaborative work environment. This feature can be extremely useful and reduce rework as well as improve communication between departments. Scheduling, resource allocation and management, and document management are also features of a comprehensive project management software system. Which of these features you have or use will depend on the size of your business and the amount of complexity that your work process requires.
The most up-to-date systems include the latest feature to be added to the leading project management software systems, customer relationship management tools along with billing software. When these features are added to the project management software system they create a full life cycle tracking tool that enables you to not only make sure that your products or services are making their way through the production system in an efficient and cost effective manner but that your customers are being given the attention they deserve.
If your project management system does not include the CRM element then you could be losing sales. CRM service helps you management your customers, clients and prospects. IT enables you to synchronized your sales activities with those in the operational pipeline. That means more follow-on and up selling possibilities. Since we know that it costs far more to recruit a new customer than it does to keep an existing one the addition of CRM to the project management system makes perfect sense. You can nurture your customer to improve retention and fix the problems that may have caused old customer to move on to greener pastures.
The addition of billing to your project management software system means that you can ensure that your are on top of your accounts receivables and more easily track your return on investment and cost of goods sold. That may mean that you stop leaving money on the table and churn your revenues more effectively.
You have two options when it comes to building your project management software system. You can install a stand alone system on your company servers or you can “rent” an online version. Which type of system is right for you will depend on your company’s specific needs and constraints. There are many advantages to the high powered web enabled versions. First of all you won’t need to hire the technical support people necessary to run an in-house system. You may also find that it is actually cheaper in terms of real money.
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